Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh 2017 (Design & Photography)

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February 6, 2019
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February 7, 2019

Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh 2017 (Design & Photography)

  • TaskDesign & Photography

The Publication on “Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh 2017” under Environment, Climate Change and Disaster-related Statistics (ECDS) Cell, National Accounting Wing, BBS is based on data from BBS censuses and surveys, secondary data collected from different agencies. This publication is prepared in collaboration with GED, Planning Commission, and financial support by UNDP-UNPEI This compendium is prepared to provide data support to SDGs, SFDRR, 7th FYP and other successive plans of Bangladesh. The compendium has been prepared following BESF and UNFDES 2013.
