Bangladesh has been extraordinarily successful in growing its economy and is one of the fastest developing countries. Since the 1980s, the country has averaged 5%–6% annual GDP growth. This growth was accompanied by a significant decline in poverty, an increase in employment, greater access to health and education, and improved basic infrastructure. As a result, the once poor country is now considered middle income country . The next goal is to reach upper-middle-income country status by 2021. This ambitious initiative will require annual GDP growth of 7.5%–8% and will entail seizing on new opportunities brought about by changing global circumstances. To reach the next level, Bangladesh needs to improve the country’s reliable energy supply, revise business policies that stunt the development of non-garment exports. It is thus expected to have major infrastructure, housing and services development in the coming years and some mega projects like Padma Bridge, Rooppur Nuclear Power project, Paira Sea Port, the coal fired large power projects of Matarbari and Rampal, Metro Rail and LNG terminal are gaining it’s pace which are expected to have significant positive impact for the country. Padma Bridge Rail Link project, Sonadia Deep Sea port, Dhaka city elevated expressway, Flyovers and Railway from Dohazari via Cox’s Bazar to Gundum of Myanmar are also in the planning of this kind of fast-track project.